Friday, December 2, 2011

No apologies...

I'm just going to pretend that it hasn't been so long since the last post and dive right in...

We've had some scares lately.  My dad is suddenly facing a myriad of health problems and is scheduled for some major abdominal surgery next week.  "Suddenly" isn't really the right word.  We should have seen at least some of this coming.  It's been most of a lifetime of not taking care of himself, and it's caught up to him now.  It's just crazy to get so many scary diagnoses in such a short time. 

Of course, as a professional worrier, I'm thinking of my childrens' futures.  It's my job to give them the healthiest start possible and set a healthy example for them.  So, to that end, we are about to have a major diet overhaul in our house.  Grains, sugars, and starches are being tossed in favor of more veggies, meats, and fruits.  It might not be so bad, really.  Only my younger two are balking right now.  My youngest exists on peanut butter sandwiches, but will happily dip fruits and veggies in his beloved peanut butter instead.  My middle son can't imagine life without potato chips, but I think he'll be just fine.  And my oldest, a committed carnivore, might not even notice the changes, but we're hoping to see some positive changes in his behavior (and bathroom habits). 

This surgery will not be easy for my dad, but the lifestyle changes he'll need to make following the operation have him terrified.  It will be the first time in his life that he'll have no choice but to take charge of his diet and track what he's eating.  He will emerge from this with only 1/3 of his pancreas and will be insulin-dependant for the rest of his life.  Every bite he puts in his mouth will matter in a way he never thought it did before.  He won't have a choice to change.  He'll have a mandate.  I have a choice, still, and I plan to make those changes now.

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